L’Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC)

Au cœur de la lutte contre le changement climatique depuis 2011 avec notre méthode Bilan Carbone®, l’ABC sensibilise, forme, fédère et donne des moyens d’action concrets aux organisations et aux citoyens pour réussir leur transition bas carbone.

Escape Climate Change Initiative (ECCI)

Over the past decade, we have witnessed a significant increase in awareness of climate issues, with growing participation from young people. 

Climate protests, both in the streets and in schools, testify to the unprecedented commitment of the younger generation towards one of the most important challenges in our collective history.

Why create a climate escape game ?

One of the main demands emerging from these mobilizations involves the integration of climate change issues into school programs, from the earliest levels of schooling right through to higher education.

But more than just scientific content on climate change, the environment, the energy, biodiversity young people need actions and opportunities to take them.

In most cases, educational programs do not meet these expectations, they are based on a top-down, silo approach, and transdisciplinary activities are rare. As a result, systems thinking is a difficult skill to develop in schools, but essential to understanding climate change issues. Moreover, teachers are generally less trained for this type of activity, so they tend to suffer from a lack of teaching materials and time to develop this content and approach.

In this context, the Escape Climate Change Initiative (ECCI) aims to raise awareness and inspire action among students, teachers and non-teaching staff through an innovative educational initiative based on an escape game, and to get them to work together to find concrete solutions.

Thus, the project aims to respond directly to students’ needs such as :


Access to technical and educational content on climate change to understand its risks, impacts and challenges.


The experience of an innovative learning method based on games and adapted to the educational objectives.

A greater role in actions to combat climate change, by involving students throughout the conception of the initiative and guiding them towards action.

The ECCI project will be developed and tested in four countries: Germany, France, Spain and Italy, involving a total of 9 schools, 18 teachers, 18 non-teaching staff and 855 pupils.

Would you like to find out more?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Elise Yonneau

Project Manager – Europe and International

Quentin Guignard

Head of Methodology Department

Damien Huet


Nos offres d'adhésions


L’association vend également des contrats de licences de marque pour autoriser toute organisation, formée, à réaliser un Bilan Carbone®, utiliser la marque Bilan Carbone®, accéder aux outils et tableurs Bilan Carbone®.