L’Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC)

Au cœur de la lutte contre le changement climatique depuis 2011 avec notre méthode Bilan Carbone®, l’ABC sensibilise, forme, fédère et donne des moyens d’action concrets aux organisations et aux citoyens pour réussir leur transition bas carbone.

How to deploy a carbon base in your country?

The development of emission factor databases – more commonly known as “carbon bases” – is a prerequisite for the use of carbon accounting tools and methods.

Today, only a few countries have taken on board the importance of creating data specific to their national context, to include organizations and encourage them to calculate their direct and indirect GHG emissions.

Thus, the Association pour la Transition Bas Carbone (ABC) is working alongside ADEME on the development of international carbon databases and access to climate data more generally.

In particular, ABC supported ADEME in a European LIFE project called Clim’foot, aimed at facilitating the development of public policies designed to calculate and reduce the carbon footprint of organizations.

Drawing on the French expertise it has built up over many years, ABC strives to share its knowledge of methodological obstacles and levers through :

  • The results of the CLIM’FOOT project
  • Its work supporting international organizations
  • The drafting of methodological notes and the production of playful formats to disseminate key concepts

Where are we now?

• The note “Why your country should create its own carbon database, and how” was published in 2021 by ABC and ADEME, and aims to present the project of developing a carbon base internationally. It is based on the respective expertise of the two organizations, as well as on feedback from projects carried out jointly or separately.

• Playful formats are currently being developed to disseminate key concepts more widely, particularly with regard to governance issues.

• Collaborations underway in Morocco, Portugal and Romania

The case of Morocco

ABC is committed to promoting its values and disseminating the Bilan Carbone® methodology internationally.

Following work carried out with ADEME International, ABC has issued a number of recommendations for the creation of new carbon bases around the world.

As a result, we are delighted to have been able to support the Mohamed VI Foundation (FM6E) for the Protection of the Environment in updating its carbon balance tool and emission factor base in 2022.

Back in 2013, the Fondation Mohamed VI, with the support of ADEME, had developed a carbon balance tool incorporating some 300 emission factors, some of which were specifically created to represent the reality of the Moroccan context.

In 2022, as part of its Qualit’Air pact, FM6E completely overhauled its tool and existing emissions factors, and integrated new ones, with the aim of making this tool the benchmark for Moroccan companies and local authorities.

As part of this partnership, ABC’s role is to support the consultancy firms responsible for updating the tool, as well as to ensure that the foundation’s partner players develop their skills by organizing awareness-raising webinars on the various climate and carbon compatibility issues, as well as workshops on climate and governance issues.

Where are we now?

ABC participates in steering committee meetings to monitor the progress of the mission.

3 webinars were hosted by Quentin Guignard and attended by around 100 participants.

→ Key elements of carbon accounting on February 28, 2022

→ Starting your low-carbon transition on March 24, 2022

→ Carbon offsetting / Contribution on June 13, 2022

Want to develop your carbon base?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Elise Yonneau

Project Manager – Europe and International

Quentin Guignard

Head of Methodology Department

Damien Huet


A look back at key moments

In mid-June 2022, ABC visited Rabat for a series of exchange days. The program included company training, a “discovery” day for academics, a webinar on carbon offsetting and contribution, as well as meetings and workshops with members of the steering committee.

A Moroccan delegation also travelled to Paris with the aim of exchanging views with French institutional actors.

Last but not least, we took advantage of the presence of Nasma Jrondi, air-climate expert at FM6E, to invite her to speak at the ABC 10-year anniversary event, as part of the “International low-carbon transition” round table.

The results of this work were presented at COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh.

In 2023, the partnership with FM6E continues!

Nos offres d'adhésions


L’association vend également des contrats de licences de marque pour autoriser toute organisation, formée, à réaliser un Bilan Carbone®, utiliser la marque Bilan Carbone®, accéder aux outils et tableurs Bilan Carbone®.